SP4D is Sonic Play in 4 Dimensions – a practice in spatiality of sound, where various adaptations and concepts have been developed since 2019. The first project “Sonic play in 4 acts” was composed during a 2 month residency at MONOM studios in Funkhaus, Berlin – the 4D sound studio consisting of 48 omnidirectional speakers and 9 subs below an acoustically conditioned floor which create an immersive sonic environment.

Sonic Play in 4 acts moves the narrative metaphorically through 4 stages of creative wisdom being explored by the female voice. Using means of spatial sound, it represents the movement of the feminine psyche : Ether > Spirit > Mind > Birth .

Featuring voices of Tais Feli, Vic Martinez, Emi Temi, Hanna Fahle, Daria Redkina. Composition, mixing and spatialisation by Daria Redkina.

The piece has been performed live in JULY 2019 and displayed as a sound installation in August 2020.